Dust Daddy 5-40 Cartridge Dust Collectors

The Dust Daddy 5-40 Cartridge Dust Collector is a highly effective dust collection system for applications including metalworking, weld smoke and fumes, blasting, plastics, thermal spraying, laser cutting, and more. Typically, the Dust Daddy 5-40 would be used for collecting dust and debris from a variety of areas around the building. This could include multiple weld cells or processes that require dust/fume collection.

Harness the power of advanced airflow technology with the Dust Daddy horizontal cartridge-style dust collector. This innovative system is expertly designed to maximize airflow, enhancing the efficiency of dust separation. At the heart of its performance lies an impressive 10,160 square feet of media, a feature that plays a pivotal role in maintaining optimal functionality of the Dust Daddy 5-40 dust collection system. This expansive media area is key to ensuring that every particle is effectively captured, keeping your environment clean and your system running at its best.

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The Dust Daddy Cartridge Dust Collector’s ingenuity shines with its pulse clean system. When activated, this system expertly dislodges accumulated dust from the cartridges. Here, the downward air movement plays a crucial role yet again, ensuring the dislodged dust doesn’t get a chance to resettle or re-entrain on the filters. This feature is a game-changer, setting our system apart from those with vertical filters, where dust re-entrainment is a common challenge. In those systems, air entering from the side or below often struggles to prevent dust from being swept back into the airstream.

In summary, Dust Daddy Cartridge Dust Collector is a testament to superior engineering, designed to ensure a cleaner, healthier, and more efficient environment. It’s the solution for those who refuse to compromise on air quality.

Standard Features

  • Mild Steel Construction
  • Venturi-Assisted Pulse Filter Cleaning System
  • Action-Lock Quick Release Filter Doors
  • Inlets (2) Available
  • Nanofiber Cartridge Filters


  • Dust Drawer/Tray Bottom Material Outlet
  • Explosion Protected Models
  • Direct Drive Fans
  • Chamber and Exhaust Silencers
  • Air Management Modules
  • Steep-Sided Hopper
  • Service Platform (OSHA compliant)
  • Sprinkler Coupler
  • Alternate Filter Media Options
  • HSPA/ASHRAE Filters and Afterfilters
  • Bag-In/Bag-Out Kit (Filter & Discharge)